Har Samay News ( हर समय न्यूज )

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RS ANEJA, New Delhi

Sh. Shobhan Chaudhuri, General Manager, Northern Railway held a review meeting with the  departmental heads and DRMs of Northern Railway. Deliberations were held o­n keeping focus o­n safety o­n tracks, Freight loading and transparency in working of Railways.

He emphasized that the railway working should be transparent. He stressed upon maximum use of technology so that human intervention can be minimized and transparency in all sphere of railway working may be established. He told the efforts should be enhance to minimizing the human failure in train operation.

He further said that, the monitoring system of progress of construction projects should also be a prime focus area as the development/improvement of railways are very much dependent o­n these projects. He told department heads to expedite and complete the work in stipulated time manner in particular construction projects.

The safety is always be the prime focus over Northern Railway. He reviewed the work done over the zone in improving the maintenance standard of track, welds and removal of scrap lying near the tracks. He instructed the divisions o­n conducting drives to enhance the safety and counsel the staff whenever necessary and required.

 Taking o­n freight Business Development, the GM took stock of the outreach of the Business Development Units. He also instructed that BDUs should create an environment of trust, support and confidence amongst the customers.

Northern Railway is committed to provide safe, smooth and efficient services to its customers.